Artists and concerts in Kerala

Captivating Performances and Memorable Moments: Unleash the Best MC, Anchor, and Celebrity Talent for Your Concerts in Kerala

Organizing concerts in India can be a daunting task and an event of magnitude. There are multiple arrangements that are required for a concert ranging from artists to acoustics. Melodia Events is an experienced events management company based out of Kerala. Our capabilities are displayed in the various projects that we have implemented across Kerala. A few steps involved in the arranging of artists and concerts would be as below.

The concert and the artist- A concert involves finding the right artist and providing for the needs of the artist during the day, before and after the concert. For the concert it is essential to analyze the schedules of the artists, the kind of audience that is expected in the area, and the type of concert. It is also essential to estimate strength of the audience for the concert. We will also take care of the artists transportations between venues and their food and drink needs during the show.

The venues and catering- We will arrange the venues based on the number of people that are estimated to come to the concert. When we choose the appropriate size of the auditorium we can also except the size technical amenities. Besides we can also verify the space available for food stalls and kiosks.

Sponsorship and publicity- We will create a potential list of sponsors and contact them for sponsorship. We will design the sponsors packet, the brochure and even carry samples of previous brochures if necessary to the sponsor. We will also generate publicity for the concert by placing newspaper advertisements, designing flyers, posters and banners and preparing mailing lists. We will also publicize the event on social media sites.

Ticketing- We will arrange for physical tickets and online ticketing facility as well. We will code the tickets according to price and will see to it that relevant information pertaining to the concert such as artists name, price, ticket number, venue and directions are printed on the ticket. There will be cut-off times for the issue of tickets and an account log will be maintained for ticketing.

MC, Anchor and Presenter- Melodia Events will produce excellent and best MCs, Anchor and presenters for the concert who will present and guide the event to completion. The MC will also take care of any eventualities that can take place during the concert. The artist will be introduced to the MC well before the start of the concert for them to be comfortable for the presentation.


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Melodia® Events is an ISO 9001 2008 Certified Company based in Kochi, Thrissur Kerala. We offer premium event management services including weddings, corporate events, and private parties. Contact us to know more.

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